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Our Story


The OAR Foundation (formerly the Epsilon Pi Foundation) was founded in 2015 by the members of Epsilon Pi Boule of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. The Foundation is a charitable organization that has as its core purpose expanding opportunities for young men in North Texas. The OAR Foundation supports education and training activities that strengthen character, knowledge, perspective and values of the youth in the North Texas area. We invest in programs that build up the individual, enhance career opportunities and advance educational achievement.

Four pillars guide the investments and activities of the OAR Foundation:

  • Mentoring & Volunteerism
  • Education & Scholarship
  • Health & Wellness
  • Wealth & Financial Literacy
  • Through our funding and the efforts of the men of Epsilon Pi Boule, we are making a difference:

  • Sponsoring hands on mentoring programs for high school boys in Ft. Worth
  • Investing in STEM curriculum, Reasoning Minds, for middle school students
  • Supporting career day programs at an area elementary school
  • Funding multi-year college scholarships, for high achieving young men of color
  • Supporting the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School’s efforts to recruit and retain medical students of color
  • The OAR Foundation is proud to partner with individuals and organizations that share our goal of helping our youth succeed in college, pursue meaningful careers and give back to their communities. Together we can fortify their OAR - Opportunity, Achievement, Responsibility – for life.

    Our Mission

    To prepare and propel young men to compete in a globally competitive society through exposure, mentoring, and scholarship.

    Our Vision

    To enhance the lives of young men through personal interaction, thereby enabling them to become leaders and mentors in their communities.