Oarsmen - Rowing isn’t a great sport for athletes looking for MVP status. It is, however, teamwork’s best teacher. The athlete trying to stand out in an eight will only make the boat slower. The crew made up of individuals willing to sacrifice their personal goals for the team will be on the medal stand together.A weekend of leadership development.
Friday - Networking: Golf Clinic DFW golf course, Dinner, Guest Speaker
Saturday – Personal Growth:
Sunday - Teamwork: Rowing team building, Real Talk: Boys to Men
We are dedicated to selectively lending our time and resource to any challenge that we believe will have a positive impact on our youth and community. Mentoring provides a visible example and support for the success of our young people.
Support for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School’s efforts to recruit medical students of color by having representatives attend the annual Minority Medical Student Orientation Dinner.
Sponsor a luncheon for volunteers prior to Epsilon Pi’s annual mentoring visit to Jackie Carden Elementary School in Fort Worth, TX.
We partner with various organization to support the growth and career development of young men. Our support is focussed on enrinchment of the lives of those we serve and the community.
Provide $2,500 scholarships to deserving, high achieving young Black men entering college.